Contact Me!

I like to think I’m a pretty approachable person. Here are a few ways you can get in touch with me:

Email: This is the most expected one. korionfray (at) gmail (dot) com. Response time should always be within 24 hours. If not, something terrible has happened. (Or I’m a loser who forgets things. Either way, feel free to email me back at that point.)

Twitter: I’m not on Twitter as much as I used to be, but I still drop by from time to time. I’m @KOrionFray over there, and I love chatting! You’ll see me be particularly active during November and NaNoWriMo, as I’m a sprint leader for the @NaNoWordSprints channel, and a co-ML for the region of Richmond. (I’m also occasionally there for Camp NaNo as well. You never know!)

NaNoWriMo: That being said, I’m also KOrionFray on the NaNo website! (Previously I’ve been KissofJudas, but it’s about time I made everything match, yeah?) Feel free to say hey, though I’ll admit that outside of November, it’s not the best way to get in touch with me.

Anything Else: I do have other methods of contacting me, like phone and Discord and paper mail, but if you need or want those, you’ll need a more specific reason. Hit me up on either Twitter or email if you need to speak more directly to me, and that’ll get vetted at an as-needed basis.

I look forward to hearing from you!