Long Time No See…

Been a while, hasn't it? Man, the end (or you know, the totality) of 2017 was a bit of a nightmare. I've completely fallen off the horse in a lot of ways, both online and offline. And as is so commonly the case, I'm going to try and take the start of 2018 to rebook … Continue reading Long Time No See…


It's still Friday, right?! ONLY IF I WRITE SUPER FAST Okay, so here's why you didn't have a post earlier. The short answer: I forgot. The longer answer: I've been bordering on really sick for the past several days, and while it was in my head (and on my bujo) to do this post, I only … Continue reading SUPER LATE FICTION FRIDAY

I Haven’t Shot a Gun in Thirty Years… (Or Fifty-Five)

So if you live in a portion of the Internet that talks about books (and if you don't, how on Earth did you find my blog?) then you probably know that GO SET A WATCHMAN by Harper Lee was released recently. The story is set in Scout's future: everyone is older, the world is different, … Continue reading I Haven’t Shot a Gun in Thirty Years… (Or Fifty-Five)

Why I Need Feminism…or something. (Am I Doing This Right?)

I'll be honest. I'm tired of seeing those words in my title. I completely understand that gender inequality is rampant and that there are still major reasons that this phrase is traveling around the Internet. None of that is the issue. What I'm really tired of are the militant positions on either side, dealing in … Continue reading Why I Need Feminism…or something. (Am I Doing This Right?)

Schedules and Writing and Videos…?

Good afternoon, my faithful blog followers. I appreciate anyone reading this, since it means that you've stuck around even when I've got dark. Thanks so much! Here's the scoop: I want to try and start writing in here consistently again. I've been watching my friend and fellow writer Denise Drespling's videos on YouTube lately and … Continue reading Schedules and Writing and Videos…?

NaNoWriMo Week 2: Never Give Up!

This is a great sentiment for Week 2 of NaNoWriMo, but honestly...we all know why I wanted to write this. Capt. Taggart has the right idea. Notoriously, Week 2 is the hardest week of NaNoWriMo. All your great ideas from Week 1 are gone, you hate your novel, you're positive that every word you've written … Continue reading NaNoWriMo Week 2: Never Give Up!

Book Review: The Great Gatsby

I was talking to someone online who'd checked out my blog and really appreciated my review of To Kill a Mockingbird, and noted that he'd really enjoy seeing my take on The Great Gatsby.  Anyone who knows me knows full well that this is not a challenge I can pass by. For years, I absolutely loathed Gatsby. I … Continue reading Book Review: The Great Gatsby